Renewal Volume 25 (2017) Issue 1

ISSN 0968-5211

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Polanyi against the whirlwind
Joe Guinan, Thomas M. Hanna Free to download

Syria: A Betrayal of Labour’s Internationalism and Solidarity
George Morris, Yasmine Nahlawi Free to download

The European left after Brexit
Marina Prentoulis, Lilia Guigni, Ania Skrzypek, Katrine Marçal, Renaud Thillaye, Barry Colfer Free to download

French Socialism in crisis: The undoing of Hollande’s ‘anti-austerity’ programme
Sean McDaniel

On taking (back) control: lessons from Community Action in 1970s Britain
David Ellis

Populism and grassroots politics: ‘New Left’ critiques of social democracy, 1968-1994
Alex Campsie

The NHS: not back to Era 1 but forward to Era 3 – policy challenges for Labour
Steve Iliffe, Richard Bourne

Who’s ‘Normal’? Class, Culture and Labour Politics in a Fragmented Britain
Ewan Gibbs Free to download

Owen Smith and Blue Labour’s Republicanism
Lewis Coyne

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