Renewal Volume 26 (2018) Issue 2

ISSN 0968-5211

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Editorial: The institutional turn: Labour’s new political economy
Joe Guinan, Martin O'Neill Free to download

The return of public ownership
Thomas M. Hanna Free to download

Greening the UK's economic model
Dan Bailey, Martin Craig

'The everyday economy' and the next economic settlement
Daniel Chandler Free to download

Beyond extraction: The political power of community wealth building
Martin O'Neill, Ted Howard

Spectacle, places and political change: 1968 and now
Alex Campsie

Response: Labour and the varieties of feminism
Monique Charles, Natalie Thomlinson Free to download

Brexit and the loss of meaning - impressions from Great Yarmouth
Janosch Prinz

Healthcare on the brink? Assessing the crisis in General Practice
Steve Iliffe

The not-so-neoliberal university
James Freeman

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