Renewal Volume 26 (2018) Issue 3

ISSN 0968-5211

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Editorial: Can Labour break free?
Anthony Painter Free to download

Street-level climate politics
John Burke, Mika Minio-Paluello Free to download

‘No jobs on a dead planet’: Energy democracy, public ownership, and union opposition to mega-energy projects
Franziska Paul

Rebuilding our institutions: Social security for the future
Rachel Reeves, Nick Garland Free to download

Public ownership: Two responses
Satoko Kishimoto, Cat Hobbs

Political economy and the need for a moral critique of capitalism
Jon Cruddas

Big politics, big organising, and internationalism: How the left can win
Emma Rees, Adam Klug Free to download

The Cosmopolitan Rejoinder: Professor Mary Kaldor in conversation with James Stafford and George Morris
Mary Kaldor, James Stafford, George Morris Free to download

Turning against China
Andrew Small

Prevent, Muslim identity, and the normalisation of neoliberalism
Antonio Perra

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