Rebuilding our institutions: Social security for the future
Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 26 Number 3 (2018)
Rebuilding our institutions: Social security for the future
Rachel Reeves, Nick Garland
Three recent books engage with the challenges of building institutions that can deliver real social security and empower people as workers and citizens. Relationality and localism will be key to this, but we must not lose sight of the need for a strong central state too.
Chris Renwick, Bread for all: The origins of the welfare state, Allen Lane, 2017.
Hilary Cottam, Radical help: How we can remake the relationships between us and revolutionise the welfare state, Virago, 2018.
Virginia Doellgast, Nathan Lillie, and Valeria Pulignano, eds., Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics of institutional change in Europe, Oxford University Press, 2018.
To cite this article
Rachel Reeves, Nick Garland (2018) Rebuilding our institutions: Social security for the future, Renewal, 26(3)