Gender, peace and reproductive justice

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 27 Number 2 (2019)

Gender, peace and reproductive justice
James Stafford, Claire Pierson


Northern Irish politics is in flux – and not just because of Brexit. At the time of writing, devolved government remains suspended. The shocking murder of the 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee during rioting in Derry/Londonderry drew widespread attention to the continuing activities of dissident paramilitary groups. Demands for social and reproductive justice, sharpened by a decade of austerity, are still being sidelined by an ossified politics of communal identity. Renewal met Claire Pierson, an academic and trade-union researcher campaigning for the reform of Northern Ireland’s notoriously restrictive abortion law, to discuss the prospects for change.

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To cite this article
James Stafford, Claire Pierson (2019) Gender, peace and reproductive justice, Renewal, 27(2)

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