Renewal Volume 28 (2020) Issue 2

ISSN 0968-5211

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Guest editorial: Shaping the 'new normal'
Dan Bailey Free to download

The NHS takes control: consequences for health policy in England
Steve Iliffe Free to download

Power and the pandemic: civil liberties in the age of coronavirus
Alexandra Runswick Free to download

Time for basic income?
Peter Sloman

'Nature is healing': the politics of enchantment
Cathy Elliott

Covid-19, the foundational economy and 'rooted firms'
Will Brett

Not the end of ideology
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite

Lockdown Labour: lessons from mutual aid activism
Mark Perryman

The politics of climate crisis
Alyssa Battistoni, George Morris Free to download

Labour’s rural problem
David Drew, Richard Jobson

The fragile society
Lyn Brown Free to download

Boris Johnson, Thatcherism and the rhetoric of 'wealth creators'
Felix Römer

'Redlining' the British city
Sam Wetherell Free to download

Roads not travelled: Piketty’s history of inequality
David Cowan

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