Renewal Volume 28 (2020) Issue 3

ISSN 0968-5211

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Editorial: Defending, restoring, transforming
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Emily Robinson Free to download

The NHS – from stalled bureaucracy to ‘Era 3’
Steve Iliffe, Richard Bourne

Accidents will happen? Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic
Foundational Economy Collective Free to download

Making pandemic politics transparent: lessons from Nigeria
Portia Roelofs

Liberal egalitarianism: what’s worth salvaging? Katrina Forrester interviewed by Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite
Katrina Forrester, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite Free to download

Vernacular social democracy and the politics of Labour
Jon Lawrence

Raymond Aron and the contested legacy of ‘Cold War Liberalism’
Iain Stewart

The fascist virus is back again
Hannah Malone

Social democracy, party of values
Sebastian Jobelius, Konstantin Vössing Free to download

Labour Together’s election review
Hannah O'Rourke

Election 2019 and the newer left
Jonny Ball

On urbanism and optimism: Guy Ortolano interviewed by Alex Campsie
Guy Ortolano, Alex Campsie

Looking for a fight
Nick Garland

A new world in the making: community wealth building and the co-operative sector
Jonathan Reynolds Free to download

Between ‘national liberalism’ and ‘progressive internationalism’: quo vadis globalisation?
Mehmet Erman Erol

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