Beyond the big cities: Labour’s offer to towns, rural and coastal communities

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 29 Number 3 (2021)

Beyond the big cities: Labour’s offer to towns, rural and coastal communities
Steve Bassam, Barbara Young pages 18‑25


Two recent Lords’ reports into so-called ‘left behind’ places, including towns, rural areas and coastal communities, found that the challenges facing these places tend to be similar and require an ambitious and thought-through policy programme. The vacuousness of current plans to level up are not adequate to the challenge, despite some bringing some useful infrastructure projects at the margins. Only Labour can bring the progressive and broad-ranging vision needed to address the multiple and interlinked challenges in these areas. Labour has won in these constituencies before by speaking to the needs, desires and values of their communities and it can do so again with a narrative and policy programme that understands the needs of voters outside of big cities.

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To cite this article
Steve Bassam, Barbara Young (2021) Beyond the big cities: Labour’s offer to towns, rural and coastal communities , Renewal, 29(3), 18-25

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