Taking back control? Gene editing, science politics, and the legacy of our colonial past

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 30 Number 1 (2022)

Taking back control? Gene editing, science politics, and the legacy of our colonial past
Doerthe Rosenow pages 84-95


Johnson’s government paints Brexit as an opportunity for the UK to become a ‘science superpower’. But its version of science is one that helps to maintain our profoundly unequal capitalistracist global political economy, and is marked by a desire for mastery and control – a desire that shapes debates in agriculture and genetics, and underpinned the Brexit campaign.

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To cite this article
Doerthe Rosenow (2022) Taking back control? Gene editing, science politics, and the legacy of our colonial past, Renewal, 30(1), 84-95

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