The Conservatives’ political economy: ‘State rentier capitalism’ or old wine in new bottles?
Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 30 Number 2 (2022)
The Conservatives’ political economy: ‘State rentier capitalism’ or old wine in new bottles?
Christine Berry, Laurie MacFarlane pages 35‑47
The Conservatives’ approach to the economy is defined by contradictions. While an era of more state intervention now looks inevitable, the deeper question is whose interests this intervention will serve. So far, the Johnson government has deployed the state to preserve existing power relations rather than challenge them. However, the fallout from the cost of living crisis may stretch this approach to its limits.
To cite this article
Christine Berry, Laurie MacFarlane (2022) The Conservatives’ political economy: ‘State rentier capitalism’ or old wine in new bottles?, Renewal, 30(2), 35-47