‘The Fighting Magazine of the Working Class’: The International Socialist Review and Class War in the USA 1900-1918
Socialist History - ISSN 0969-4331
Volume 2022 Number 61
‘The Fighting Magazine of the Working Class’: The International Socialist Review and Class War in the USA 1900-1918
John Newsinger pages 31‑55
The US Marxist journal, the International Socialist Review was established in July 1900, appearing monthly until February 1918. To begin with its purpose was primarily educational, introducing its readers to Marxist ideas, applying those ideas to the contemporary United States and keeping readers up to date with developments in other countries. By 1908-09 it had embraced the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and was changing its purpose from one of education to one of agitation. It provided fierce, uncompromising coverage of the class struggles taking place across the United States, class struggles that saw employers opposing unionisation with often-murderous brutality. The ISR supported and urged on all workers in struggle. At the same time it continued to keep its readers informed about international developments, opposing US Imperialism, condemning the First World War and supporting the Russian Revolution. It was finally suppressed by the Woodrow Wilson
To cite this article
John Newsinger (2022) ‘The Fighting Magazine of the Working Class’: The International Socialist Review and Class War in the USA 1900-1918, Socialist History, 2022(61), 31-55