Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2013 Issue 5

ISSN 1758-6437

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Local communisms


Introduction: Local communisms within a global movement
Norman LaPorte Free to download

Comparing local communisms
Andreas Wirsching Free to download

Bastions, black spots and other variations: in and beyond the specificities of the Little Moscow
Kevin Morgan Free to download

Little Moscows revisited. What we can learn from French and German cases
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Disputed memory: the Munich Council Republic and the KPD’s politics of history
Sebastian Zehetmair

'Not Completely Communist’: Regionalism and the Spanish Communist Party, 1920-1941
Tim Rees

Communists and French railway workers, 1920-1934: the Parisian leadership of the Cheminots Unitaires
Thomas Beaumont

Canadian Communists and the Politics of Nature in British Columbia, 1936-1956
Eryk Martin

Communists and Muslims: The Years of Alliance
Ben Fowkes, Bulent Gokay

Sovietisation in Uzbekistan 1980-1991: Success or Failure?
Sevket Akyildiz, Richard Carlson

Bastions, black spots and other variations: in and beyond the specificities of the Little Moscow
Kevin Morgan

Little Moscows’ revisited. What we can learn from French and German cases?
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Scottish Communism 1962-91: from re-growth to extinction – a view from the inside
Willie Thompson

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