‘Federation or Death’: The Beginnings and Early Ideology of Cypriot Anarchism Antonis Pastellopoulos

Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 30 Number 1 (2022)

‘Federation or Death’: The Beginnings and Early Ideology of Cypriot Anarchism Antonis Pastellopoulos
Antonis Pastellopoulos pages 58-82
DOI: 10.3898/AS.30.1.03


The article presents a first overview of the emergence and early development of anarchism in the Republic of Cyprus, utilising archival material. It contextualises Cypriot anarchism within the broader wave of political ideas making their appearance after the island’s de-facto partition in 1974, tracing the formation of the first anarchist groups and the circulation of early Cypriot anarchist publications. It moves on to briefly discuss three key historical moments of anarchist political expression, followed by an examination of early Cypriot anarchist political ideology, noting the general commitment towards social and political autonomy, as well as the influence of radical feminism, anti-authoritarianism and postcolonial thought. It then moves on to examine the issue of grand narration in early anarchist representations of Cypriot history, concluding with Cypriot anarchist perspectives on the federal reunification of Cyprus.

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To cite this article
Antonis Pastellopoulos (2022) ‘Federation or Death’: The Beginnings and Early Ideology of Cypriot Anarchism Antonis Pastellopoulos , Anarchist Studies, 30(1), 58-82. https://doi.org/10.3898/AS.30.1.03

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