The Impact of New Labour's Education Policy on Teachers and Teaching at Key Stage 2
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 48 Number 2 (2006)
The Impact of New Labour's Education Policy on Teachers and Teaching at Key Stage 2
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2006.48.2.145
This article portrays Key Stage 2 primary school teachers' perspectives on, and experiences of, New Labour's education policies. Evidence is derived from fieldwork conducted in 2003-2005 in a sample of 50 schools throughout England, replicating a study conducted a decade previously in the same schools. It is suggested that there have been more changes in teaching methods in the last five years than in the previous two decades. However, the ability to motivate and develop children's learning has remained at the core of primary teacher professionalism. It determined teachers' condemnation or approval of government prescribed changes in classroom practice and led to reassessment of some of their professional values concerning desirable teaching methods.
To cite this article
ROSEMARY WEBB, GRAHAM VULLIAMY (2006) The Impact of New Labour's Education Policy on Teachers and Teaching at Key Stage 2, FORUM, 48(2), 145-158 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2006.48.2.145