Whatever Happened to EPAs? Part 2: Educational Priority Areas - 40 years on
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 49 Number 1 & 2 (2007)
Whatever Happened to EPAs? Part 2: Educational Priority Areas - 40 years on
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2007.49.1.141
Twenty years ago George Smith wrote 'Whatever Happened to Educational Priority Areas?' for the Plowden twentieth anniversary edition of the Oxford Review of Education. He is still working in the same field - a tribute, he says, not just to the impact of the NHS and medical sciences, but also to the power of the agenda and ideas set by the Plowden Committee as well as the intractable nature of many of the issues it addressed. In this article, the authors first sketch the origins and development of the Educational Priority Area idea in the 1960s and its subsequent decline and rise, through the development of area-based initiatives under the Labour governments since 1997. They then analyse the current position of the former EPA areas 40 years on, to demonstrate both continuity and change.
To cite this article
GEORGE SMITH, TERESA SMITH, TOM SMITH (2007) Whatever Happened to EPAs? Part 2: Educational Priority Areas - 40 years on, FORUM, 49(1 & 2 ), 141-156 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2007.49.1.141