Every Child Matters: the challenge of gender, religion and multiculturalism
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 49 Number 3 (2007)
Every Child Matters: the challenge of gender, religion and multiculturalism
PRAGNA PATEL pages 261‑276
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2007.49.3.261
This article makes use of the findings of a small pilot study which investigated the management and nature of multiculturalism in three secondary schools in London. In the course of the investigation, two major themes emerged: the 'collapse' of anti-racism and multiculturalism into 'multi-faithism'; and the impact of the 'over-accommodation' of religious identity on the rights of minority ethnic girls.
To cite this article
PRAGNA PATEL (2007) Every Child Matters: the challenge of gender, religion and multiculturalism, FORUM, 49(3), 261-276 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2007.49.3.261