Learning for Labour: specialist diplomas and 14-19 education
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 49 Number 3 (2007)
Learning for Labour: specialist diplomas and 14-19 education
MARTIN ALLEN pages 299‑304
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2007.49.3.299
The 2006 Education Act provided an entitlement for all 14 year-olds to take a specialist diploma from 2013. Despite concerns of many educationalists and politicians, the first diplomas will begin in September 2008. New Labour claims that the diplomas are innovative and challenging; however, this article argues that they exhibit many of the weaknesses and contradictions of existing vocational qualifications, will accentuate divisions and represent a further move away from a comprehensive curriculum. The article also argues, however, that in addition to opposing the introduction of the diplomas, reformers must rethink approaches towards vocational learning in schools.
To cite this article
MARTIN ALLEN (2007) Learning for Labour: specialist diplomas and 14-19 education, FORUM, 49(3), 299-304 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2007.49.3.299