If You Go down to the Woods Today ...: developing a whole-school culture where it is safe to take risks
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 2 (2008)
If You Go down to the Woods Today ...: developing a whole-school culture where it is safe to take risks
ALISON PEACOCK pages 219‑214
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.2.219
Children have much to learn from the natural environment and from working in partnership with each other. This article explores the real-life challenges of encouraging creative adventurous play within the perceived confines of the primary curriculum. The author shares the story of a whole-school learning adventure and aims to remind us of the importance of values such as trust, co-agency and freedom.
To cite this article
ALISON PEACOCK (2008) If You Go down to the Woods Today ...: developing a whole-school culture where it is safe to take risks, FORUM, 50(2), 219-214 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.2.219