Teaching Advocacy in Early Years Initial Teacher Education Programmes

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 51 Number 1 (2009)

Teaching Advocacy in Early Years Initial Teacher Education Programmes
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2009.51.1.25


Teacher education programmes in the United States and in England with early childhood certification usually include courses with topics such as early childhood theory and curriculum, child development, model programs, and history of early childhood education but less often include courses with content focused specifically on advocacy. This article interrogates the possibility of developing courses on advocacy for pre-service teachers to build a knowledge base on advocacy for parents, families and children and to develop competency in inter-personal, cross-cultural communication. Drawing on data from Liebovich's study on beliefs about advocacy of early childhood education students in the United States, the authors share pre-service teachers' narratives about advocacy, discuss the process of moving from advocacy awareness to empowerment, and propose content for a university level course on advocacy in England and the United States. Using a feminist theoretical perspective, this study critiques teacher education programs and how student identity as advocates is rarely nurtured. The authors demonstrate how pre-service teachers reflect about the role teacher's play working with, informing, and empowering families to truly become collaborative partners in the education of their children.

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To cite this article
SUSAN MATOBA ADLER, BETTY J. LIEBOVICH (2009) Teaching Advocacy in Early Years Initial Teacher Education Programmes, FORUM, 51(1), 25-34 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2009.51.1.25

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