Happy Fiasco! The National Curriculum Tests of 2008, and After
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 51 Number 2 (2009)
Happy Fiasco! The National Curriculum Tests of 2008, and After
PATRICK YARKER pages 185‑196
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2009.51.2.185
This article, which draws heavily on the Sutherland Inquiry report into the delivery of National Curriculum testing in 2008, outlines important aspects of the failure that year to report test-scores on time, considers the extent to which ministers might have been held more accountable and reviews the state of the long struggle to replace the current form of NC testing with less-damaging alternative forms of assessment.
To cite this article
PATRICK YARKER (2009) Happy Fiasco! The National Curriculum Tests of 2008, and After, FORUM, 51(2), 185-196 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2009.51.2.185