The Rose Report [continued]: 'the invisible worm'
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 51 Number 3 (2009)
The Rose Report [continued]: 'the invisible worm'
MARY JANE DRUMMOND pages 305‑308
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2009.51.3.305
While Colin Richards' article is a trenchant analysis of the big themes and missed opportunities of the Rose Report, this response examines some of the small print. It concludes that the document is disfigured by many minor blemishes, and is also fatally flawed by a crude misapprehension of the nature of progress and the purpose of education.
To cite this article
MARY JANE DRUMMOND (2009) The Rose Report [continued]: 'the invisible worm', FORUM, 51(3), 305-308 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2009.51.3.305