BRAVO! and BUT...: reading the Cambridge Primary Review
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 52 Number 1 (2010)
BRAVO! and BUT...: reading the Cambridge Primary Review
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2010.52.1.9
There is much to welcome in the Cambridge Primary Review, not least its authors' determination to stimulate discussion and debate, and their resolute view that it is more important for teachers to do their own thinking than simply obey. Equally admirable is the Review's emphasis on the need to understand our recent educational past, if we are to improve education in the future. But other sections of this substantial work are less laudable. In particular, the review of the evidence on setting, streaming and structured ability-grouping, which leads to the conclusion 'Categorise with caution', is a matter of grave concern.
To cite this article
MARY JANE DRUMMOND (2010) BRAVO! and BUT...: reading the Cambridge Primary Review, FORUM, 52(1), 9-16 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2010.52.1.9