Another School is Possible: developing positive alternatives to academies
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 52 Number 2 (2010)
Another School is Possible: developing positive alternatives to academies
PETER FLACK pages 233‑240
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2010.52.2.233
Low-attaining schools have been targeted by government for closure and transformation into academies. This article argues that opposition to academies is necessary but not sufficient. It is vital to do more than simply defend the status quo. In the city of Leicester an alternative vision for high-quality education, local authority led and grounded in community comprehensive schools, is being actively pursued. Its hallmarks are innovation, creativity and collaboration between schools and their teachers. The successes already achieved in Leicester under this new approach reveal the government's policy of academisation' to be 'last year's model'.
To cite this article
PETER FLACK (2010) Another School is Possible: developing positive alternatives to academies, FORUM, 52(2), 233-240 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2010.52.2.233