Bringing Them Together: what children think about the world in which they live and how it could be improved
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 52 Number 2 (2010)
Bringing Them Together: what children think about the world in which they live and how it could be improved
JEFF SERF pages 241‑254
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2010.52.2.241
Attitudes towards environmental issues are influenced by many factors, including what is learned in formal educational settings such as schools and more informally, through such sources as the media, interaction with family and friends and our everyday lived experiences. This study investigated children's ideas about the environment and their perceptions of their future world. The initial stimulus for the discussions was a television advertisement for a soap detergent and in total 51 children aged 10-11 years old discussed what actions could be taken to make 'a nicer world'. The concept of global learning, which draws on aspects of environmental and development education, provided the framework for the discussions and the analyses of the outcomes. The children demonstrated their awareness of environmental issues as well as some confusion, whilst also revealing their appreciation of media strategies.
To cite this article
JEFF SERF (2010) Bringing Them Together: what children think about the world in which they live and how it could be improved, FORUM, 52(2), 241-254 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2010.52.2.241