Preparing Teachers to Work with Everybody: a curricular approach to the reform of teacher education
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 55 Number 1 (2013)
Preparing Teachers to Work with Everybody: a curricular approach to the reform of teacher education
LANI FLORIAN pages 95-102
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2013.55.1.95
This article reports on a curricular approach to teacher education using the ideas in Learning without Limits to prepare teachers to enter a profession in which they take responsibility for the learning and achievement of all learners. Key aspects of Scotland's Inclusive Practice Project (IPP) are described and the role of university-based teacher education in supporting and challenging practice-based learning in schools is discussed.
To cite this article
LANI FLORIAN (2013) Preparing Teachers to Work with Everybody: a curricular approach to the reform of teacher education, FORUM, 55(1), 95-102. https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2013.55.1.95