'Raising Standards' or Reducing Aspirations and Opportunities Still Further? Michael Gove and Examination Reforms
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 55 Number 3 (2013)
'Raising Standards' or Reducing Aspirations and Opportunities Still Further? Michael Gove and Examination Reforms
MARTIN ALLEN pages 367‑376
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2013.55.3.367
Well before the examinations grade crisis of 2012, Michael Gove had set out clear intentions for reforming public examinations. Though he claimed to be improving examinations and assessment by replicating practices that took place in high-performing countries and thus improving the ability of the UK economy to 'compete', this contribution argues that Gove's agenda aims to reduce student success rates and reflects declining employment opportunities for young people. It calls for radical alternatives.
To cite this article
MARTIN ALLEN (2013) 'Raising Standards' or Reducing Aspirations and Opportunities Still Further? Michael Gove and Examination Reforms, FORUM, 55(3), 367-376 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2013.55.3.367