Student-Staff Partnerships as Transformational: the 'Students as Learners and Teachers' program as a case study in changing higher education
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 56 Number 1 (2014)
Student-Staff Partnerships as Transformational: the 'Students as Learners and Teachers' program as a case study in changing higher education
ALISON COOK-SATHER pages 105‑114
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2014.56.1.105
In this article the author offers an example of a student-staff partnership program based in a higher education context in the United States. This program positions undergraduate students as pedagogical consultants to academic staff. The goal of the program is to counter traditional hierarchies and imbalanced power relations and foster a shift in institutional culture toward a more dialogic and collaborative approach to teaching and learning. Drawing on reflections of student and staff participants, the author illustrates how the program catalyzes student, staff and institutional transformation.
To cite this article
ALISON COOK-SATHER (2014) Student-Staff Partnerships as Transformational: the 'Students as Learners and Teachers' program as a case study in changing higher education, FORUM, 56(1), 105-114 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2014.56.1.105