Labour Policy for Lower Achievers, Special Needs and Disabilities
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 57 Number 1 (2015)
Labour Policy for Lower Achievers, Special Needs and Disabilities
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2015.57.1.35
This article notes that the attempt to include all young people in education, an aim of Labour governments over the years, still relies on an expanded and expensive special educational needs 'industry'. How to include all lower attainers and those with disabilities in the education system and the economy is a political issue for a Labour government. A start should be made on changing a competitive, hierarchical system that relegates many working-class children to lower levels of education and enhances middle-class fears for their 'less able' children.
To cite this article
SALLY TOMLINSON (2015) Labour Policy for Lower Achievers, Special Needs and Disabilities, FORUM, 57(1), 35-38 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2015.57.1.35