BOOK REVIEW: Pushing Back to Ofsted: safeguarding and the legitimacy of Ofsted's inspection judgements - a critical case study (Richard House)
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 62 Number 3 (2020)
BOOK REVIEW: Pushing Back to Ofsted: safeguarding and the legitimacy of Ofsted's inspection judgements - a critical case study (Richard House)
PATRICK YARKER pages 489‑493
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2020.62.3.489
No abstract available
To cite this article
PATRICK YARKER (2020) BOOK REVIEW: Pushing Back to Ofsted: safeguarding and the legitimacy of Ofsted's inspection judgements - a critical case study (Richard House), FORUM, 62(3), 489-493 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2020.62.3.489