Could This Be the End of Schools as We Know Them? Another Way Is Needed
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 62 Number 3 (2020)
Could This Be the End of Schools as We Know Them? Another Way Is Needed
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2020.62.3.373
The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic opens an opportunity to reconsider fundamental questions about education and society, and to remake schools as more vital, life-enhancing, humane and creative places dedicated to benefitting the child rather than fitting the child to the system. What is education's purpose? What are the best learning environments for our children and young people? How should we understand equity in relation to our education system?
To cite this article
PETER CANSELL, PIP MARPLES (2020) Could This Be the End of Schools as We Know Them? Another Way Is Needed, FORUM, 62(3), 373-378 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2020.62.3.373