Reforming the school-based education system in England: A common framework, rule book and a new structure for schools

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 63 Number 1 (2021)

Reforming the school-based education system in England: A common framework, rule book and a new structure for schools
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2021.63.1.03


The school system in England has undergone significant change following the introduction of the academies policy and the subsequent mass conversion of secondary schools to academies. In this article we address two issues arising from this process of academisation, namely equality of opportunity and local democratic accountability, both of which are fundamental to what one might argue comprehensive schooling should entail. We outline the policy changes that have taken place from 1965 and look in more detail at the changes since 2010. We then examine how equality of opportunity and democratic accountability have been affected by the legislative changes. In our final section, we put forward proposals for how the shortcomings we identify might be addressed by policy-makers: these we argue relate back to the basic assumptions underpinning Circular 10/65.

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To cite this article
ANNE WEST, DAVID WOLFE (2021) Reforming the school-based education system in England: A common framework, rule book and a new structure for schools, FORUM, 63(1), 20-28.

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