Organising around ideas: why we need to take the battle of ideas in education more seriously

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 63 Number 2 (2021)

Organising around ideas: why we need to take the battle of ideas in education more seriously
Chloe Tomlinson, Howard Stevenson pages 148-160
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2021.63.2.13


In this article we develop the notion of ‘organising around ideas’. We highlight the ways in which education debate in England has narrowed as traditional spaces for discussion and debate have been closed down. The state now has extraordinary power to shape discourses and frame narratives about the purposes of schooling. Here we argue that we must find new ways to engage in the battle of ideas, not simply as an exercise in rational argument, but as an essential element of organising and movement building. The article provides three short case studies of ‘organising around ideas’ in action to illustrate what this work can look like. The cases are not templates, but illustrate the flexible, grassroots-based activity that is central to building a movement from the bottom up.

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To cite this article
Chloe Tomlinson, Howard Stevenson (2021) Organising around ideas: why we need to take the battle of ideas in education more seriously, FORUM, 63(2), 148-160.

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