Reclaiming teaching as a profession based on autonomy and trust
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 65 Number 2 (2023)
Reclaiming teaching as a profession based on autonomy and trust
Tony Eaude pages 72‑82
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2023.65.2.72
This article considers different views of what it means to act as a professional and relates these to teaching. The traditional, covenantal one described by Shulman which emphasises autonomy and trust is contrasted with the contractual one associated with neoliberalism based on compliance with externally set standards. Restricted and extended professionality are also compared. A view of teacher professionalism based on a covenantal and extended view is essential if highly motivated teachers able to meet the needs of children and young people and the dynamic, challenging demands of 21st century classrooms and societies are to be attracted and retained. Teachers need to take a major role in reclaiming this view.
To cite this article
Tony Eaude (2023) Reclaiming teaching as a profession based on autonomy and trust, FORUM, 65(2), 72-82 . https://doi.org/10.3898/forum.2023.65.2.72