FORUM Volume 65 (2023) Issue 3

ISSN 0963-8253

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Educational inspection: coercive or responsive?


Editorial, pages 4‑9
Patrick Yarker Free to download

Responsive not coercive inspection: a restoration and reinterpretation of the values, principles and procedures of HM Inspectorate (abolished in 1992), pages 10‑21
Colin Richards Free to download

Ofsted: the case for reform, pages 22‑34
Peter Mortimore

Denial and disregard: Ofsted’s post-pandemic fall, pages 35‑41
Julie Price Grimshaw Free to download

Can an understanding of the past help Ofsted find a better future?, pages 42‑52
Adrian Lyons

‘Deep dive’, pages 53‑53
Malcolm Laverty

In defence of Ofsted: an insider’s perspective, pages 54‑59
Harmer Parr

Why criteria? How inspectors make judgements, pages 60‑66
David Singleton

Chasing rainbows? Ofsted’s quest for inter-inspector reliability, pages 67‑77
Terry Pearson

Safeguarding at Caversham Primary School, pages 78‑80
David Scott

Changing features of school inspection: a perspective from Wales, pages 81‑90
Ann Keane Free to download

The lived experience of the young: an inspection lacuna?, pages 91‑94
Tom Wylie

Ofsted: outstandingly inadequate, pages 95‑102
Barry Dufour

Don’t let the tail wag the dog: inspection in early childhood education and care, pages 103‑108
Megan Pacey

Ofsted – requires improvement, pages 109‑121
Wendy Scott

An open letter to all HM inspectors who supported my induction, pages 122‑124
Frank Norris

‘An inspector recalls’, pages 125‑125
Stewart Robertson

Ofsted, quality assure yourself! Applying current inspection criteria to assure the quality of current inspection, pages 126‑127

Institutional language policing and the maintenance of race-class inequalities, pages 128‑141
Julia Snell, Ian Cushing Free to download

Book Reviews

Ability, Inequality and Post-Pandemic Schools: re-thinking contemporary myths of meritocracy, Alice Bradbury, Policy Press, 2021., pages 142‑145
Patrick Yarker Free to download

Susan Isaacs: a life freeing the minds of children, Philip Graham, Open Book Publishers, 2023, pages 146‑150
Derek Gillard Free to download

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