FORUM Volume 67 (2025) Issue 1

ISSN 0963-8253

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Editorial, pages 4‑10
Patrick Yarker Free to download

‘I can’t read. I don’t know all my letters yet’: why the fixation with systematic synthetic phonics must change, pages 11‑22
Sue Cox Free to download

Racism and rainbow laces: reflections on teaching controversy in primary school, pages 23‑26
Duncan Morrison

Populist rhetoric and fundamental British values: testing the limits of political impartiality in schools, pages 27‑43
Andrew B. Jones
Testing the limits of political impartiality in schools

A catalyst for conversation, pages 44‑52
Daryn Egan-Simon
Dialogic approaches to teaching sensitive histories in secondary schools

Autobiography of a bolshie dismissed!, pages 53‑68
Dave Hill

The 2024 Caroline Benn Memorial Lecture. The problem with ‘fairness’ and ‘choice’: the counterintuitive truth of poverty and education, pages 69‑81
Sammy Wright Free to download

Caroline DeCamp Benn (1926-2000): author, teacher and socialist, pages 82‑91
Jane Martin Free to download

The paradoxes of oracy education in secondary schools: a case study of Liverpool English, pages 92‑103
Sofia Lampropoulou, Victorina Gonzalez-Diaz, Kate Flynn, Liz Parr

Should we return to an aims-based curriculum?, pages 104‑113
John White

Rich assessment and an aims-based curriculum, not high-stakes testing and the ‘ability’ discourse: FORUM’s submission to the Curriculum and Assessment Review, pages 114‑116
The FORUM Editorial Board

Letters, pages 117‑118

Remembering Richard Pring, pages 119‑120
Sally Tomlinson Free to download

Book Reviews

No dawdling!, pages 121‑127
Patrick Yarker Free to download
The Vygotsky Anthology: a selection from his key writings

Critical and hopeful, pages 128‑131
Nathan Archer Free to download
Early Childhood in the Anglosphere: systemic failings and transformative possibilities

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