New Formations Volume 2011 Issue 75

ISSN 0950-2378

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Love, Loss and Revolution


Jeremy Gilbert Free to download

Repressive desublimation and consumer culture: re-evaluating Herbert Marcuse
Finn Bowring

Monumental memories - Xu Weixin's Chinese historical figures, 1966-1976
Stephanie Hemelryk Donald

The war against terror, neo-medievalism, and the Egyptian revolution
Bülent Diken

Night of the unexpected: a critique of the 'uncanny' and its apotheosis within cultural and social theory
Matt fftyche

Socialism from the right?: aesthetics, politics and the counter-revolution in Weimar Germany
Rob Heynen

Late modern subjects of colonial occupation: mobile phones and the rise of neoliberalism in Palestine
Laura Junka-Aikio

Love's unlimited orchestra: overcoming left melancholy via dubstep and microhouse
Andrew Lison

Yes of course, but ... Derrida to Genet on commitment in favour of Jackson
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen

Reviews and Booknotes
Ken Hirschkop, James Penney, Teresa Heffernan, Noel Castree, Chiara Certoma Free to download

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