New Formations Volume 2014 Issue 84-85

ISSN 0950-2378

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Societies of Control


Of Queer Neutrality
Jacques Khalip

Weird Interpellation
Ezra Claverie

Arendt After Jerusalem
Graham MacPhee

Control Societies: Notes for an Introduction
Jeremy Gilbert, Andrew Goffey Free to download

Everyone is Not an Artist: Autonomous Art Meets the Neoliberal City
Josephine Berry

The Chronic Social: Relations of Control Within and Without Neoliberalism
William Davies

Towards a Rhizomatic Technical History of Control
Andrew Goffey

Modulation after Control
Yuk Hui

Policing the Demos: Foucault, Hegel and Police Power in Waller v. City of New York
Kevin S. Jobe

Hack or be Hacked: The Quasi-Totalitarianism of Global Trusted Networks
Athina Karatzogianni, Martin Gak

Discipline is Control: Foucault contra Deleuze
Mark G.E. Kelly

Archipelago of Risk: Uncertainty, Borders and Migration Detention Systems
Angela Mitropoulos

Control Societies and Platform Logic
Alex Williams

Post-Post-Fordism in the Era of Platforms
Robin Murray, Jeremy Gilbert, Andrew Goffey Free to download

Brand Intimacy, Female Friendship and Digital Surveillance Networks
Alison Winch

Performing Blackness
Deirdre Osborne

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