New Formations Volume 2015 Issue 86

ISSN 0950-2378

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Introduction: sexism - a problem with a name
Sara Ahmed Free to download

Sexism as a means of reproduction: some reflections on feminism in the academy
Sarah Franklin Free to download

Sexism at the centre: locating the problem of sexual harassment
Leila Whitley, Tiffany Page Free to download

Sexism: a femme-inist perspective
Ulrika Dahl

The paradox of Fallon’s fight: interlocking discourses of sexism and cissexism in mixed martial arts fighting
Jennifer McClearen

The choreography of everyday sexism: reworking sexism in interaction

The unwanted labour of social media: women of colour call out culture as venture community management
Lisa Nakamura

Uncloaking humour: ironic-parodic sexism and smart media
Sarah Kember

Zara Dinnen, Geoff Eley, John Ó Maoilearca, Sam McBean Free to download

Ben Highmore

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