New Formations Volume 2016 Issue 89-90

ISSN 0950-2378

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Death and the Contemporary (double issue)


Introduction: Death and the Contemporary
Georgina Colby Free to download

The Prisoners of Starvation, or Necessitas dat legem
Warren Montag Free to download

Deconstructing Death: Derrida and the Scene of Execution
Elizabeth Rottenberg

Zoya Kosmodemianskaya between Sacrifice and Extermination
Jonathan Brooks Platt

The Face of the Good Death: Euthanasia and Levinas
Timothy Secret

Horror beyond Death: Geopolitics and the Pulverisation of the Human
François Debrix

Why Do the Dead Keep Coming Back?
Roger Luckhurst Free to download

Drone Poetics
Andrea Brady

Dying for Sex: Cultural and Forensic Narratives of Autoerotic Death
Lisa Downing Free to download

The Violations of Empathy
Jennifer Cooke

Imaginary Intimacies: Death and New Temporalities in the Work of Denise Riley and Nicholas Royle
Georgina Colby

Blind Seeing: Deathwriting from Dickinson to the contemporary
Peter Boxall

Sites of Death in Some Recent British Fiction
Robert Hampson


Capacious Aesthetics
Ben Highmore Free to download

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