New Formations Volume 2017 Issue 91

ISSN 0950-2378

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Righting Feminism


Introduction: Righting Feminism
Sara Farris, Catherine Rottenberg Free to download

Confidence culture and the remaking of feminism
Rosalind Gill, Shani Orgad

Hegemonic feminism, neoliberalism and womenomics: ‘empowerment’ instead of liberation?
Hester Eisenstein Free to download

In the name of reproductive rights: race, neoliberalism and the embodied violence of population policies
Kalpana Wilson

Disrupting disempowerment: feminism, co-optation, and the privatised governance of gender and development
Sydney Calkin

Gender and women in the Front National discourse and policy: from ‘mothers of the nation’ to ‘working mothers’?
Francesca Scrinzi

The other sex industry: narratives of feminism and freedom in evangelical discourses of human trafficking
Kimberly Pendleton

Niall Gildea, Joe Darlington, Simone Natale, Debra Benita Shaw, Sean Phelan Free to download

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