Renewal Volume 25 (2017) Issue 3-4
ISSN 0968-5211
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Editorial: ready for government?
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, James Stafford Free to download
The revolt of the ‘squeezed middle’: Why new cross-society coalitions in British politics are now possible
Lorenza Antonucci Free to download
The new economy, social change, and polarised places: A changed terrain for British politics
Gerry Stoker, Will Jennings
All out war? Brexit, voting and the production of division
Cathy Elliott Free to download
Corbyn’s Labour and the populism question
Bice Maiguashca, Jonathan Dean
Labour’s Programme and EU Law
Andy Tarrant, Andrea Biondi
Hope amidst despair? Stuart Holland on Brexit, Europe and Labour’s new economics, in conversation with Martin O’Neill
Stuart Holland, Martin O'Neill Free to download
Fragmentation and decline? The UK and the global trading system after Brexit
Silke Trommer Free to download
Conference conversations: Alex Sobel, Monique Charles, Li Andersson, and Mat Lawrence
Monique Charles, Mat Lawrence, Li Anderssen, Alex Sobel
Protecting the legacy: developing a Labour vision for health and social care
Sarah Hutchinson Free to download
Tory ideology and social policy under Theresa May: Current and future directions
Ben Williams
Tuition fees and the neoliberal university: Responding to the 2017 Higher Education and Research Act
Simon Choat
Speenhamland, automation and the basic income: A warning from history?
Frederick Harry Pitts, Lorena Lombardozzi, Neil Warner Free to download
Platform co-operativism: review essay
David Jacobs