Is there hope for the West Country? Political sentiment amongst rural voters

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 29 Number 3 (2021)

Is there hope for the West Country? Political sentiment amongst rural voters
Tabitha A Baker pages 73-83


When asked to talk in-depth about their experiences, rural voters express considerable hostility to the UK’s urban areas, and towards politicians who are understood to prioritise the needs of urban voters. This antipathy is driven by hard lives lived in poverty and unmet needs for employment, opportunity, infrastructure and inclusion. However, these rural voters do not want to live in a divided country. They take considerable pride in their local areas, value community spirit and are enthusiastic about the sorts of opportunities for change – such as devolution and electoral reform – that is sometimes assumed to be the preserve of thinktanks and politics geeks. There is both an urgent need to listen to people in the countryside and an immense opportunity to be taken if we do.

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To cite this article
Tabitha A Baker (2021) Is there hope for the West Country? Political sentiment amongst rural voters , Renewal, 29(3), 73-83

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