Soundings Volume 1996 Issue 4

ISSN 1362-6620

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The Public Good


Editorial: The Clintonisation of Labour, pages ‑
Michael Rustin Free to download

After the Deluge: Politics and Civil Society In the Wake of the New Right, pages ‑
Michael Kenny

What has Socialism to do with Sexual Equality?, pages ‑
Anne Phillips

Globalisation: Ten Frequently Asked Questions and Some Surprising Answers, pages ‑
Paul Hirst, Grahame Thompson

Pictures at an Exhibition, pages ‑
Richard Minns, Liudmila Vasileva

Poems, pages ‑
Maura Dooley, Tanya Stepan, Gregory Warren Wilson, Elizabeth Bartlett, Roy Blackman

When Science Fails Us, pages ‑
Richard Levins

Welfare Settlements and Racialising Practices, pages ‑
Gail Lewis

A Race Against Time: Change and the Public Service in the New South Africa, pages ‑
Francie Lund

Perverse Incentives: An NHS Notebook, pages ‑
Maureen Mackintosh, Pam Smith

Cancer Ward, pages ‑
Loretta Loach

Grey Suits, No Hearts: Aliens in the National Health Service, pages ‑
John Clarke

Public Pensions and the Private Sector: A New Way Forward, pages ‑
Jane Falkingham, Paul Johnson

Accountable Insiders? Reforming the Pension Funds, pages ‑
Will Hutton, Charlie King, Anne Simpson

Ethics in the Investment Market, pages ‑
Brigid Benson, Candy Stokes

Complexity, Contradictions, Creativity: Transitions in the Voluntary Sector, pages ‑
Anne Showstack Sassoon

Grants, Contracts and NGO Accountability in the North and South, pages ‑
Sarabajaya Kumar, Ann Hudock

Stakeholder Cooperatives in European Welfare, pages ‑
Carlo Borzaga

Thinking collectively in the Public Domain, pages ‑
John Stewart

Introduction, pages ‑
Maureen Mackintosh

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