Soundings Volume 1996 Issue 4

ISSN 1362-6620

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The Public Good


Editorial: The Clintonisation of Labour
Michael Rustin Free to download

After the Deluge: Politics and Civil Society In the Wake of the New Right
Michael Kenny

What has Socialism to do with Sexual Equality?
Anne Phillips

Globalisation: Ten Frequently Asked Questions and Some Surprising Answers
Paul Hirst, Grahame Thompson

Pictures at an Exhibition
Richard Minns, Liudmila Vasileva

Maura Dooley, Tanya Stepan, Gregory Warren Wilson, Elizabeth Bartlett, Roy Blackman

When Science Fails Us
Richard Levins

Welfare Settlements and Racialising Practices
Gail Lewis

A Race Against Time: Change and the Public Service in the New South Africa
Francie Lund

Perverse Incentives: An NHS Notebook
Maureen Mackintosh, Pam Smith

Cancer Ward
Loretta Loach

Grey Suits, No Hearts: Aliens in the National Health Service
John Clarke

Public Pensions and the Private Sector: A New Way Forward
Jane Falkingham, Paul Johnson

Accountable Insiders? Reforming the Pension Funds
Will Hutton, Charlie King, Anne Simpson

Ethics in the Investment Market
Brigid Benson, Candy Stokes

Complexity, Contradictions, Creativity: Transitions in the Voluntary Sector
Anne Showstack Sassoon

Grants, Contracts and NGO Accountability in the North and South
Sarabajaya Kumar, Ann Hudock

Stakeholder Cooperatives in European Welfare
Carlo Borzaga

Thinking collectively in the Public Domain
John Stewart

Maureen Mackintosh

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