Soundings Volume 1997 Issue 7

ISSN 1362-6620

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States of Africa


Editorial: Problems with Globalisation
Doreen Massey Free to download

The Break-up of the Conservative Nation
Bill Schwarz

The Uncanny Family
Wendy Wheeler

Reimagining the inhuman city: The 'Pure Genius' Land Occupation
David Featherstone

Economic Globalisation and the Nation State: The Transformation of Political Power?
David Goldblatt, David Held, Anthony McGrew, Jonathan Perraton

Okello Oculi, Daniel Wyke, Linda Chase, Jane Evans

Ludovic Hunter-Tilney, Christine Clegg, Timothy Bewes, Kathenne Frank

Victoria Brittain, Rakiya Omaar

States Under Pressure
Basil Davidson

A genocide foretold & Testimony of a survivor
Rakiya Omaar, Augustin Ndahimana Buranga

Photofeature: Portraits of Africa
Jenny Matthews

Angola under attack
Victoria Brittain

They Were Better
Ngugi wa Mirii

Cost-recovery, Adjustment and Equity in Health: Some Lessons from Zimbabwe
Kevin Watkins

Mozambique - under new management
Joseph Hanlon

Corruption and the State: Introduction
Laurence Cockcroft

Corruption and the State: The Warioba Report
Joseph Warioba

The Role of the NUM in South Africa: I Introduction
Vic Allen

The role of the NUM in South Africa II - Presidential Address to the NUM Ninth National Congress, 1997
James Motlasi

Moi's Achilles Heel?
Kathurima M'lnoti, Lucy Harmon

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