Soundings Volume 2000 Issue 14

ISSN 1362-6620

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One Dimensional Politics


Editorial: Where Are We Now?
Michael Rustin

Organising Where it is Needed: First Generation Immigrant Workers in North America
Laura Dubinsky

What Future for the Past in the New South Africa?
David Renton

Mourning the Movement
Isaac D. Balbus

Anti-Fascist Action: Radical Resistance or Rent-a-mob?
Mark Hayes, Paul Aylward

Special Needs - Bullying - Racism: The Last Taboo?
Ann Briggs

Five poems
Mario Petrucci, Susanne Ehrhardt, Judith Kazantzis, Fabian Peake, Joan Michelson

Singing Politics, Owning Names
Shereen Benjamin, Cynthia Cockburn Free to download

Passing shadows
Joanna Rosenthall

Maureen Mackintosh, Helen Crowley, Stephen Frosh

Introduction: One-Dimensional Politics
Wendy Wheeler

The New Labour Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Michael Rustin

The Intelligent Process of Living
Wendy Wheeler

The Politics of Complexity: Acting Locally Matters
David Byrne

Thank You For Calling' The New Ideology of Work in the Service Economy
Gavin Poynter

The Real Meaning of Spin: Containment and compression in modern politics
Barry Richards

Little Tony: A new fable for new times
Mario Petrucci

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