Soundings Volume 2001 Issue 17

ISSN 1362-6620

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New Political Directions


Editorial: Inclusive Citizenship
Sarah Benton Free to download

New wars, new peace movements
Giulio Marcon, Mario Pianta

The Philosopher-Politican of Venice: An Interview with Massimo Cacciari
Massimo Cacciari, Yvon le Bot, Marco Semo, Anna Spadolini

Sex on the left
Sue Tibballs

The capital market business: Pensions and the new cold war
Richard Minns

The commonsense revolution in Canada: En route to Smith Square
Ian Taylor

The political deployment of race/ism: 'One America' and the strange election of George W. Bush
John O. Calmore

Five poems
Paul Allen, Catherine Byron, Michael Laskey, Frances Wilson

Budapest's Statue Park: Memorial or Counter-Monument?
Judith Rugg, Michele Sedgwick

A twentieth century life
Merilyn Moos

Fergus Crow, Jane Desmarais, Ludovic Hunter-Tilney

Sarah Benton Free to download

Rethinking 'Global' City Centres: A Rejoinder to Henry and Passmore
Jon Bloomfield

'Boosterism of the Peoples': Multicultural Economic Development and Globalisation from Below
Nick Henry

'Doing' Regeneration: Evidence from England's Second Cities
Kevin Ward

The Politics of Flow: On Birmingham, Globalisation and Competitiveness
Phil Hubbard

Rerum cognoscere causas
David Donnison

Working at Sharpshock: A prison for young offenders
Ruby Millington Free to download

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