Soundings Volume 2002 Issue 20

ISSN 1362-6620

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Regimes of Emotion


Editorial: The Dynamics of Class and the Radical Right
Michael Rustin Free to download

The Ghetto is Calling
Haim Bresheeth

Visit to 'North Tel-Aviv' Israel, January 2002
Nira Yuval-Davis

Letters from the Palestinian ghetto, 8-13 March 2002
Lena Jayyusi

'An Englishman's home': Reflections on the Tony Martin case
Anita Biressi, Heather Nunn

British exceptionalism
Andrew Stevens

The economic policies of Gordon Brown and the treasury: Stability for what?
John Grieve Smith

When Brown was red
Fraser MacDonald, Andy Cumbers

Four poems
Susanne Ehrhardt, Judy Gahagan, Hisham Matar, Steven Taylor

Sasha Miller, Gregor McLennan, Peter Howells

Editorial: Regimes of Emotion
Pam Smith

Towards a Manifesto for Feelings
Steve Smith

Emotion management in an age of global terrorism
Arlie Russell Hochschild

If you love your work, do you thank a careers counsellor?
Fiona Douglas, Stephen Lloyd Smith

Unemployed and feeling worthless Reflections on the emotional experience of unemployment
Maria Lorentzon

Emotional labour and cancer work Some reflections after a conference
Gay Lee

Involvement and emotional labour
Del Loewenthal

Therapeutic nursing, emotional labour, economic exchange Is there a link?
David Newbold

The disappearance of convalescence
Bridget Towers

Narrating the emergency: Heroism and horror
Stuart Nairn

The emotional labour of police work
Rick Rattue, Nelarine Cornelius

The refugee experience
Ian Robbins

'Down on the Farm': Reflections on emotional labour and regeneration
Marjorie Mayo, Trudi James, Pam Smith

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