Soundings Volume 2004 Issue 27
ISSN 1362-6620
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Public Life
Editorial: Public Life
Sally Davison, Sarah Benton Free to download
The new political economy of public life
Robin Murray
Re-designing prisons for the twenty-first century
Hilary Cottam
Women, modernisation and trade unions
Heather Wakefield
My Jihad: A personal reflection
Amir Saeed
The future of New Labour
Colin Crouch, Francis Beckett, Tom Bentley
Saints or spinners: Is Compass part of the problem or part of the solution?
Neal Lawson
Equality and New Labour
Judith Squires
Intellectuals and tendencies
Gregor McLennan, Judith Squires
Geoff Mulgan
Safe in their hands? New Labour and public service broadcasting
Jonathan Hardy
The BBC: The next ten years
Alan Fountain
Thinking the global locally: Discussion contributions from Oscar Reyes and Monica Stephens
Oscar Reyes, Monica Stephens
The US in Latin America
Francisco Dominguez
The factory and the beehive: Argentina versus the International Misery Fund
Richard Minns
Recycling hope
Sylvia Pritz
Terence Dooley, Florence Elon, Elizabeth Foy, Judy Gahagan, Geraldine Paine
Alan Finlayson, Massimo De Angelis, Purna Sen