Soundings Volume 2006 Issue 34

ISSN 1362-6620

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Editorial: Ecowars
Sally Davison Free to download

Water wars in India
Vandana Shiva

The future of environmentalism
Noel Castree

Down to earth economics
Mary Mellor

GM crops: The power in food
Anthony Jackson, Nigel Mullan

Tackling turbo consumption
Juliet Schor

The dawn of the second half of the age of oil
C.J. Campbell

Are we what we eat?
Peter Singer, Jim Mason

Feeding the seven billion
Lester R. Brown

Three poems
Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Julia Hartwig

Out there
Sarah Benton

Shifting sands
Andrew Gamble

A perverse subsidy: African trained nurses and doctors in the NHS
Maureen Mackintosh, Parvati Raghuram, Leroi Henry

From a Tanka Diary
Kawano Yuko

America's Deputy Sheriff in South East Asia
Peter Murphy

The history of democracy in DR Congo
Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja

Rethinking segregation
Bilkis Malek Free to download

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