Soundings Volume 2010 Issue 45

ISSN 1362-6620

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Eye of the Storm


Editorial: Eye of the storm

The political struggle ahead
Doreen Massey

Labour in a time of coalition
Sally Davison, Stuart Hall, Michael Rustin, Jonathan Rutherford Free to download

What comes after New Labour?
Gerry Hassan

The SNP and the 'new politics'
Richard Thomson

Rebuilding social-democracy in twenty-first century Britain
George Irvin

Greek myths
Duncan Weldon

Money manager capitalism and the global financial crisis
L. Randall Wray

Carbon trading: how it works and why it fails
Oscar Reyes, Tamra Gilbertson

Daniel Whittall, Victor Anderson, Nick Couldry, Jeremy Gilbert, David Hesmondhalgh, Kate Nash

Why I am a socialist
Ruth Levitas

Smile till it hurts
Laurie Penny

Lives on the line
Vron Ware

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